VERANSTALTUNG| POEM public (online) lecture: Libraries as generators of collective narrative …


Dear Sir or Madam, dear colleagues,
we sent you the announcement of the POEM public (online) lecture. We would be very pleased if you could forward it in your network.
Best regards and thank you,
Elina Moraitopoulou and Samantha Lutz


Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to the next session of the POEM public lecture series hosted by the H2020 Innovative Training Network Participatory Memory Practices (POEM) and Ashoka<> UK and Ireland. To facilitate attendance amid constantly changing COVID-19 guidelines, the lecture will be hosted online. It will then be made available as open access<> video talk on our website.


Libraries as generators of collective narrative and social inclusion<>

POEM Public lecture by Jérémy Lachal (NGO Bibliothèques Sans Frontières/Libraries Without Borders)

Join the POEM network online to hear Jérémy Lachal discuss on the role of libraries across the globe as places for collective narration and social integration.

Please, register through Eventbrite<> to receive relevant information regarding the online lecture.

Past events (open access):


Where the past is still present – Co-designing digital technologies for contemporary multi-cultural Namibia<>

Professor Heike Winschiers-Theophilus (Namibia University of Science and Technology)


The discursive-material knot and participatory struggles over memory<>

Professor Nico Carpentier (Uppsala University)


Participatory Design and the Collaborative Dimensions of Infrastructuring<>

Dr Andrea Botero (Aalto University)


‘Valuing’ participatory memory practices<>

Dr Jenny Kidd (Cardiff University)


The algorithmic past: The third way of memory<>

Professor Andrew Hoskins (Glasgow University)


Pitfalls and promises of researching super-diversity<>

Dr Susanne Wessendorf (London School of Economics)


A common cultural basis for a European demos? Heritage making and participatory memory practices in Europe<>

Professor Gisela Welz (Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main)

Find out more about the POEM Network and read the latest issue of the POEM newsletter<>.

Best regards,

Elina Moraitopoulou and Samantha Lutz

[up-uhh-logo-u-2010-u-email] Samantha Lutz, M.A.
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology
POEM Project Management
Grindelallee 46
20146 Hamburg, Germany
Room: 201
+49 40 42838-9940 (phone, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)
+49 40 42838-6346 (fax)<><>
Twitter: poem_h2020
Instagram: poem_h2020

*This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764859.*
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