VERANSTALTUNG: EUROPACH Closing Conference: Living Politics: Remembering HIV/AIDS Activism


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*Living Politics: Remembering HIV/AIDS Activism Tomorrow*

12-13 September 2019 @ Refugio, Lenaustraße 3-4, 12047 Berlin, Germany

How are politics and life narratives in the fields of HIV/AIDS activism
in Europe entangled?

The conference discusses the meaning, methods and importance of
preserving histories of HIV/AIDS, and how these and other ongoing
practices relate to current engagements with the epidemic. It brings
together social science researchers, policy makers and representatives
of NGOs and activist groups from the fields of HIV/AIDS, drug policy,
LGBTQ rights, sex work, migration politics and prisons. The conference
has been organised by the ‚Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies:
Activism, Citizenship and Health‘ (EUROPACH) research team, which will
present project outputs and concluding arguments about citizenship in
Europe in relation to HIV/AIDS. It will celebrate the opening of the
exhibition “HIVstories” at the Schwules Museum, and the launch of the
European HIV/AIDS Archive, which includes over 100 oral history interviews.

Conference language: English with translation on request. Program and
registration information to follow.

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