International Conference „Taking part in art and culture. Practices,
Theories and Policies in Today’s Cultural Mediation“, Marseille (France),
22-24 October 2020.
New deadline for submissions : March 31st, 2020.
The international conference “Taking Part in Art and Culture. Practices,
Theories and Policies in Today’s Cultural Mediation” is focusing on the
issue of “participation” in the cultural field (see CFP enclosed). We will
be looking into the ways in which it has evolved (notably since the 1970s)
and in which it influences the role of cultural mediation today.
The conference presentations will follow three main axes:
1) The genealogy of participatory mediation practices (notably
interrogating the role of cultural mediation in the educational turn in
curatorial practices)
2) Mediation and cultural rights (questioning the influence of the
increasingly important topic of cultural rights on the conception,
interpretation and reception of the collective cultural and artistic
3) What teaching cultural mediation and training cultural mediators means
or (could mean) today.
The purpose of this conference is to present an overview of these issues
through the particular prism of the posture of mediators, a posture that
may be characterised as paradoxical, notwithstanding its precarious status
in the cultural field. Mediators are the depositaries of the link existing
between the public and artistic or cultural offers, and their voice can
never be captured as the voice of the public, the voice of artists, nor
even as the voice of their employing structures. Their ceaseless engagement
is therefore to struggle out of the confining roles that may result from
this posture, because these roles give foundation to an order of things
they precisely attempt to abolish. In this order of things, figures of
exteriority are constructed within the walls of institutions, and embodied
by members of the public who are labeled as unadapted to cultural spaces.
The conference will take place in Marseille (France), in Aix-Marseille
University and at the Tiers QG of Manifesta 13, from October 22nd to
October 24th 2020.
The abstracts and cover letters should be sent via email before *March 31st
2020 *to and to
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