Liebe Kolleg*innen,
gerne möchte ich Ihnen / Euch unsere neueste englischsprachige Publikation ankündigen. Sie basiert auf der gleichnamigen Konferenz zum 20jährigen Jubiläum des Museums Europäischer Kulturen – Stattliche Museen zu Berlin (2019):
Iris Edenheiser, Elisabeth Tietmeyer, Susanne Boersma (Eds.)
What’s Missing?
Collecting and Exhibiting Europe
This book takes a closer look into some of the lacunae in the work of museums of everyday culture: Which objects, narratives, methods and actors have been left out of museums’ perspectives on daily lives in European societies? Museum practitioners and researchers alike address current transformations in the collecting and exhibiting of everyday objects and vernacular art, while short object essays provide new perspectives on artefacts from the collection of the Museum Europäischer Kulturen – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. This publication invites readers to critically interrogate the question of what’s missing in museum practices of collecting and presenting contemporary lifeworlds in Europe.
The editors: Elisabeth Tietmeyer is the director and Iris Edenheiser is the deputy director of the Museum Europäischer Kulturen – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Susanne Boersma is a doctoral fellow in the EU H2020 Project »POEM«, based at the Museum Europäischer Kulturen – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and Universität Hamburg.
The authors: Suay Aksoy, Ferda Ataman, Sophia Avramidou, Matthias Beitl, Susanne Boersma, Magda Buchczyk, Kieran Burns, Anne Chahine, Denis Chevallier, Eva Chevallier-Kausel, Iris Edenheiser, Albert Gouaffo, Hans-Joachim Gruda, Fatma Gul, Eeva-Kristiina Harlin, Brigitte Heck, Mieste Hotopp-Riecke, Susan Kamel, Wolfgang Kaschuba, Swantje Köbsell, Mahret Ifeoma Kupka, Klára Kuti, Erica Lehrer, Sharon Macdonald, Saad Malik, Gerald McMaster, Markus Moehring, Akiko Mori, Marlen Mouliou, Franziska Mucha, Ace North, Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz, Diana Pardue, Patricia Rahemipour, Jane Redlin, Dachil Sado, Richard Sandell, Anna Schmid, Judith Schühle, Hermann Simon, Matt Smith, Imani M. Tafari-Ama, Elisabeth Tietmeyer, Beate Wild, Jana Wittenzellner, Irene Ziehe, Inge Zwart
256 pages | 112 colour illustrations
17 × 24 cm, paperback
€ 29,90 (D)
ISBN 978-3-496-01652-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-496-03043-0 (e-PDF)
Mit besten Grüßen
Elisabeth Tietmeyer